Sarah Perry is a world renowned Movement Director; Movement, Character & Performance Coach and Motion Capture Director working in Film, TV, Animation, VR and Theatre. 


A discovery of witches S3

bad Wolf/Sky 

Magic spells, knots and threads, building an ensemble of witches and storytelling through movement.  

How inner thoughts and feelings manifest through the phyisicalisation of magic, knots and threads. Working with Teresa Palmer was an absolute dream, a magical collaboration. 
Article: Teresa Palmer Discusses the Magic of ADOW's Series Finale & Diana's Future: 

Sarah was also Movement Coach for A Discovery of Witches Season 2

Company - bad Wolf
distributor - Sky One
Director - Jamie Donoughue, Debs Paterson
Line Producer - Carolyn Parry-Jones
cast - Teresa Palmer, Matthew Goode, Alex Kinsgton

She was just my wonderful go-to. I would call her and ask her for various tips on how to be in my body or how to breathe when I'm in that state. She was an invaluable tool to have.

—  Teresa Palmer (Article: CBR Exclusive)

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Always interested in hearing about new
projects and productions.